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What does it really mean by SMART EDUCATION ?

Smart cities, Smart Homes, Smart Agriculture, Smart Education, Smart Healthcare, Smart Transportation - the list goes on in a constantly evolving global landscape shaped...

Datacenter and Cloud Convention Recap 2023 with USDC Technology

The Vietnam Cloud and Data Center Convention 2023 (Ha Noi) has come to a close, but the energy and fervor of Vietnamese enterprises on...

Cost Vs Performance: How to choose right data center solution for gaming industry

In the digital age, the gaming industry is undergoing an unprecedented expansion, with millions of players worldwide. Yet, news of a poor gaming experience...

Latest trend on cost-cutting for data center construction

Understanding the intricacies of data center construction costs is pivotal in making informed decisions for your enterprise in today's hyper-competitive business landscape. Indeed, data...

3 best strategies for cost-effective data center types for education and healthcare

In the midst of the competitive business landscape, the ramifications of cost inefficiencies extend well beyond mere financial implications. They reverberate throughout the very...


USDC Technology Engineer Participates in Huawei’s Exclusive DCF Training in China

– Senior data center engineers from Universal Smart...

Vietnam’s Data Center Boom – A Golden Opportunity in Southeast Asia

Vietnam's data center market is experiencing unprecedented growth, fueled...

The Edge Data Center Explosion – Your Roadmap to 26% Annual Growth

The data center industry is experiencing a significant transformation,...