USDC Technology Media


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Giá trị của Chứng chỉ Tier của Uptime – Tiêu chuẩn cơ sở hạ tầng kỹ thuật số toàn cầu

Khi đầu tư hàng triệu đô la vào các trung tâm dữ liệu của mình, bạn muốn chắc chắn rằng mỗi trung tâm đều...

Why Consider Colocated Bare-Metal Servers

In some senses, “bare-metal server” sounds like an outdated term. The days when most workloads ran on bare metal were the days of monolithic...

5 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Colocation Provider

There’s no shortage of advice out there on how to choose a cloud provider. But what about colocation companies? Which factors should you consider...

IdeaHub – The Ideal Product For Online Activities

Date: Saturday, October 25, 2021, 9:30am (UTC +07) Location: Webinar An increasing amount of organizations/schools are stimulating working from home or teaching online. Because of the...

Gartner identifies the top strategic technology trends for 2022

David Groombridge, research vice president at Gartner, says with CEOs and boards striving to find growth through direct digital connections with customers, the priorities of a...


USDC Technology Engineer Participates in Huawei’s Exclusive DCF Training in China

– Senior data center engineers from Universal Smart...

Vietnam’s Data Center Boom – A Golden Opportunity in Southeast Asia

Vietnam's data center market is experiencing unprecedented growth, fueled...

The Edge Data Center Explosion – Your Roadmap to 26% Annual Growth

The data center industry is experiencing a significant transformation,...