Cloud computing is changing the way companies doing business


Enterprises can save time, expense, and resources by migrating their business to the cloud. Of course, companies may also have backup internal data centers, but there is no doubt that cloud computing is the future direction, and it will change the way companies do business. Cloud computing is the driving force for enterprises to operate businesses effectively and efficiently.

Cloud computing has become deeply entrenched in people’s society, and even the washing machines at home are running in the cloud. The advantages are far outweighed the disadvantages. The reason is that 85% of enterprises use multiple cloud platforms, and this proportion is expected to increase to 98% in the next three years.

The benefits of cloud computing are many, especially for enterprises. Here are 10 out of the many advantages that cloud computing brings.

1. Has almost zero operational problems

Cloud computing may seem complicated, but it has far fewer problems compared to other infrastructures. Because it is run on its own servers through providers, and its job is to make the cloud platform run normally and eliminate errors. Thus, it is much more reliable than the data center deployed inside the enterprise.

When the error occurs, the cloud provider already be looking for solutions. While on-premise servers deployed inside the enterprise are more likely to ignore some small problems (because they are busy doing business), these problems will become bigger and bigger, and it will take more cost and time to solve.

2. Saves costs

One of the biggest advantages of cloud computing is in long-term business operation, it saves the enterprise’s money investment by without need to hire a technical support team to solve on-premise servers’ problems.

Traditional servers require expensive upgrades, which require a lot of upfront costs. If the company’s business development does not meet its expectations, it is a waste of money. Cloud computing service providers usually allow enterprises to scale seamlessly. You can buy more cloud computing resources when you need them and reduce the use when you don’t need.

3. Requires less capital investment

The procurement and operating costs of servers is a huge investment. One of the main advantages of cloud computing is that it requires lower starting costs than regular on-premise servers. Companies only need to pay for the number of storage use monthly.

The system up-gradation is automatic, companies do not need to spend money on hardware upgrades. When expansion required, the companies can simply configure the cloud computing resources by a single click.

4. Enhances collaboration among teams

According to a survey by Cloud Security Alliance, file sharing and collaboration are one of the most requested cloud computing services. This is because cloud computing is designed for collaboration and file sharing. Cloud computing allows corporate teams to edit files in real-time and access them from all over the world. The teams can work all over the world and still work together.

5. Can reduce the carbon footprint

Cloud computing requires fewer physical servers. This allows companies to reduce the size of the data center (or get rid of the data center altogether). Fewer servers mean using fewer resources. Besides, increasing the ability to share files requires reducing printouts in the team, saving more money, and being green. A Microsoft study found that cloud storage saves 79% – 93% of energy compared to traditional internal data center storage.

6. Always online

Forgetting important files at work, flash drive is not saved properly, or never received its email. If you are in the cloud, you don’t have to rush back to the office to get these files from the server. Cloud computing always operates online, with an Internet connection, you can get from anywhere.

7. Provides employees with a better work-life balance

People know the importance of enhanced collaboration and how cloud computing always exists, and one of the many advantages is directly related. Cloud computing has created a better work-life balance for enterprises’ employees. If employees can work anywhere, they can complete tasks at home. They can even work during their vacation. Cloud computing allows to create a better workplace for employees.

8. Performs better security

Cloud computing provides higher security than on-premise servers. People don’t have to worry about losing critical data and business applications due to natural disasters or computer failures. The cloud provider also has more regular security audits than you perform on local servers. This will keep it sealed and your sensitive information will be kept confidential.

9. Easier documents control

Document control is necessary to maintain a safe business. People will never know what happens if a document falls into the hands of a bad-intention person, even in the hands of untrained employees. Cloud computing allows companies to easily choose which documents can be edited, viewed, and shared by which users. It also allows real-time collaboration, so companies can simplify their business practices.

10. Easy to implement

Getting started with cloud computing may seem complicated, but it is more capacity to implement than installing a brand-new local server.

USDC Technology is a professional and leading company in technology construction and Smart Data Center services in Vietnam and the region. Our mission is deliver the most optimal products and services by applying  the latest technologies.We focus on the best experience to customers, the highest satisfaction to partners, fulfilling life for employees, and sustainable development to investors.

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