Digital Transformation Infrastructure in Banking & Finance Sector – Workshop


Date: Wednesday 29/06/2022, 13h30 – 17h (GTM +7)

Location: Sao Bac Dau Technology’s Headquarter in Ho Chi Minh

As a continuation of our series of technology events, USDC Technology, along with Huawei and Sao Bac Dau Technology Group, jointly organize the workshop “Digital Transformation Infrastructure in Banking & Finance Sector”.

Infrastructure is regarded as one of the most crucially important foundations for every enterprise in the race of digital transformation. It would cover from Telecommunications, Information technology, to Data Center Facilities. In recognition of such importance, this event is specially set up for the enterprises in banking and finance sector so that we could have a more in-depth discussion with our great guest speakers from Huawei, Sao Bac Dau Technology Group, and USDC Technology.

Target Audience: CIO/CTO/IT Manager/ Enterprise’s Managers in Banking & Finance Sector.

Communications Contact
Universal Smart Data Center Technology
Phone: (+84) 28 73080708

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